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What is klibs.io?

Klibs.io is an experimental search platform for KMP libraries. The website uses ai-generated metadata to enhance search results, and aims to make it easy to evaluate libraries by providing KPM related info.

The website was created by Ignat Beresnev and the Kotlin web team. Join project Discord or Slack to follow updates!

How do I add a library?

Libraries are added automatically within 24 hours if they meet the following criteria:

  • The library is open source and is available on GitHub.
  • At least one artifact is published to Maven Central.
  • At least one artifact is multiplatform must have kotlin-tooling-metadata.json.
  • At least one artifact's POM contains a valid link to the GitHub repository, either under "url" or "scm.url" example.

If you believe your library satisfies all criteria, yet it's still not available, please submit an issue.

Will GitLab/Bitbucket be indexed?

GitLab and Bitbucket should be supported at some point, but for now we want to focus on validating our ideas and iterating quickly. Adding support for GitLab and Bitbucket would slow us down, while not giving much in return, as 95% of KMP libraries already use GitHub.

Will Gradle plugins be indexed?

Gradle Plugins should be indexed at some point as they provide a lot of value to Kotlin Multiplatform projects and libraries. They will likely have a separate category like "Tools".

What about Java/JVM-only libraries?

We would like to add them in the future.

Join Slack to improve klibs.

If you are a member of Kotlin public Slack, click here to join.
If not, become a member via application form.