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Happy Kodee

Generates typesafe APIs from SQL statements, verifies schema and migrations at compile-time, and enhances IDE with autocomplete and refactoring for simplified SQL management. Supports multiple SQL dialects.

Displays a list of people currently in space and the position of the International Space Station, utilizing multiple UI frameworks and platforms, supported by a Ktor backend.

Facilitates seamless date and time operations with types like `Instant`, `LocalDateTime`, and `TimeZone`. Emphasizes minimalistic, pragmatic design, supporting ISO 8601 format and clear separation of physical and civil time.

Enables asynchronous programming with lightweight coroutines, offering structured concurrency, cancellation, and integration with various reactive streams and UI frameworks. Includes testing and debugging utilities.

Rising stars

Happy Kodee

Adds basic support for Unicode code points by exposing methods from `java.lang.String`, `java.lang.StringBuilder`, and `java.lang.Character`, including `CodePoint` class for enhanced usability.

Monitors file system changes across multiple directories, emitting events such as create, delete, and modify. Allows observing file events using flows, supports multiple platforms, and provides raw event access for debugging.

Library offers a modifier for displaying 'placeholder' UI while content loads. Features include basic placeholders, default color options, and highlight animations like fade and shimmer for enhanced user experience.

Extensible routing library for creating independent, type-safe routes with support for route handling, nested routing, type-safe navigation, event routing, and various integration modules like Compose and Voyager.

New kids on the block

Happy Kodee

A Decompose extension library which facilitate writing Jetpack based navigation style code for Compose Multiplatform (iOS, Android).

Dear ImGui for KotlinJS

A KSP data model properties mapper for Kotlin

Better Android permission management with Compose UI