
Aug 11, 2024
  • Upd
    Added licenses and developers to the metadata of all packages
  • Upd
    Improved the navigation bar
  • Upd
    Added a sitemap to improve SEO
1 day
Aug 10, 2024
  • Upd
    Reindex 27k packages, enriching them with more information
  • Upd
    Queued up indexing of older versions of existing packages (210k)
  • Fix
    Fixed a silly NPE that failed the indexing of all new releases these past 4 days; 2.5k new artifacts have been indexed
2 days
Aug 08, 2024
  • Upd
    Package pages now contain a link to their parent project
  • Upd
    Added Google Analytics and a mandatory cookies banner
1 day
Aug 07, 2024
Styling 1.0
  • New
    New logo!
  • Upd
    Added meta tags to all pages for better previews and SEO
1 day
Aug 06, 2024
Packages 1.0
  • New
    Projects now contain a list of their Maven packages
  • New
    Each package has its own page with info
  • New
    A separate page with all packages of a group id
1 day
Aug 05, 2024
Better help
  • New
    Added the FAQ page (issue #2)
  • New
    Added the changelog page
  • Upd
    Redesigned the navigation bar to hold more items
  • Fix
    Disabled indexing of GitHub repositories that were made private
61 days
Jun 05, 2024
  • Upd
    Enriched library author pages with more info
  • Upd
    Added more variety to the projects featured on the index page
  • Fix
    Fixed indexing of relocated GitHub repositories
  • Fix
    Fixed handling of a rare corner case when an artifact's name is null
5 days
May 31, 2024
Public release
  • New
    Index page with a selection of libraries
  • New
    Search page with 2 sort options and a platform filter
  • New
    Project pages with READMEs and some numbers pulled from GitHub
  • New
    Project owner pages that lists the author's projects
  • Fix
    Fixed indexing of projects whose scm url ended with .git (thanks to @abdelrh_khairy!)