

An extensible and multiplatform routing system powered by Ktor

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Extensible routing library for creating independent, type-safe routes with support for route handling, nested routing, type-safe navigation, event routing, and various integration modules like Compose and Voyager.

Version history
Package version Release date Platforms
2.0.0-alpha01 14 days ago Common, JS Details
0.0.21 1 month ago Common, JS Details
0.0.20 1 month ago Common, JS Details
0.0.19 1 month ago Common, JS Details
0.0.18 1 month ago Common, JS Details
0.0.17 3 months ago Common, JS Details
0.0.16 3 months ago Common, JS Details
0.0.15 3 months ago Common, JS
0.0.14 4 months ago Common, JS Details
0.0.13 7 months ago Common, JS Details
0.0.12 7 months ago Common, JS Details
0.0.11 8 months ago Common, JS Details
0.0.10 8 months ago Common, JS Details
More versions will be indexed soon
Version 3 months ago


  • Kotlin 1.9.21
  • Gradle 8.5