

Lincheck - Framework for testing concurrent data structures

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Framework for testing concurrent algorithms on the JVM. Enables declarative test specification, automatically generates random scenarios, and verifies correctness properties using stress-testing or model checking.

Version history
Package version Release date Platforms
2.34 19 days ago Common, JVM Details
2.33 1 month ago Common, JVM Details
2.32 4 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.31 4 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.30 5 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.29 5 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.28.1 6 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.28 6 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.27 6 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.26 7 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.25 7 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.24 7 months ago Common, JVM Details
2.23-IDEA-PLUGIN 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.23 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.22 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.21-IDEA-PLUGIN-2 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.21-IDEA-PLUGIN-1 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.21-IDEA-PLUGIN 1 year ago Common, JVM
2.21 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.20 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.19 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.18.1 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.18 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
2.17 1 year ago Common, JVM Details
More versions will be indexed soon
Version 1 year ago


  • Kotlin 1.6.21
  • Gradle 7.3.3
Supported targets
  • 11