

This module contains the Kotlin API for visualization of the Deep Learning models built with the KotlinDL.

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High-level deep learning API simplifies training, importing, and transfer learning of deep learning models. Utilizes TensorFlow and ONNX Runtime for model operations and offers extensive documentation and tutorials.

Version history
Package version Release date Platforms
0.5.2 1 year ago Common, JVM, AndroidJVM Details
0.5.2-alpha-1 1 year ago Common, JVM, AndroidJVM Details
0.6.0-alpha-1 1 year ago Common, JVM, AndroidJVM
0.5.1 1 year ago Common, JVM, AndroidJVM Details
0.5.0 1 year ago Common, JVM, AndroidJVM Details
0.5.0-alpha-2 1 year ago Common, JVM, AndroidJVM Details
0.5.0-alpha-1 1 year ago Common, JVM, AndroidJVM Details
More versions will be indexed soon
Version 1 year ago


  • Kotlin 1.7.10
  • Gradle 7.3.3
Supported targets
Android JVM:
  • 1.8
  • 1.8