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Kotlin Tools and Libraries


Enables asynchronous programming with lightweight coroutines, offering structured concurrency, cancellation, and integration with various reactive streams and UI frameworks. Includes testing and debugging utilities.

Enables reflectionless serialization for classes by generating visitor code through a compiler plugin, and includes a runtime library supporting various formats like JSON, Protobuf, CBOR, Hocon, and Properties.

Facilitates seamless date and time operations with types like `Instant`, `LocalDateTime`, and `TimeZone`. Emphasizes minimalistic, pragmatic design, supporting ISO 8601 format and clear separation of physical and civil time.

Provides a DSL for building HTML to `Writer`, `Appendable`, or DOM, facilitating web development across various platforms. Enables direct HTML creation and DOM tree construction through intuitive syntax.

High-level deep learning API simplifies training, importing, and transfer learning of deep learning models. Utilizes TensorFlow and ONNX Runtime for model operations and offers extensive documentation and tutorials.

Offers basic IO primitives with a mutable `Buffer` for efficient data handling, `Source` and `Sink` interfaces for data streams, and experimental filesystem support via `FileSystem` and `Path` classes.

Implements immutable and persistent collection interfaces with efficient, order-preserving options. Offers conversion functions, `+` and `-` operators, and a `mutate` extension for simplified modifications.

Implements a generic command-line parser with declarative syntax for defining commands and parameters, auto-generating help messages, and supporting custom types and subcommands. Suitable for creating flexible and user-friendly command-line interfaces.

Efficiently manages atomic operations by transforming code for various platforms. Supports atomic values, arrays, user-defined extensions, locks, and tracing operations for debugging, ensuring high performance and idiomatic usage.

Facilitates asynchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services with simplified integrations, supporting flow-based data streaming. Offers transport-agnostic design, seamless integration with existing solutions, and customizable serialization protocols.

Multidimensional array library offering ndarray creation, mathematical operations, linear algebra, and statistical functions. Supports various backends for performance, including native code via OpenBLAS. Integrates with Jupyter Notebooks.

Toolkit for running benchmarks on multiplatform code, offering low noise, reliable results, statistical analysis, and detailed performance reports. Supports various target configurations and custom benchmark profiles.

Barebones library project for quickly bootstrapping a deployable library to Maven Central. Generates Fibonacci sequences starting from platform-provided numbers with tests for each platform.

Offers a library for working with browser declarations in WasmJs, intended as a replacement for deprecated browser components. Experimental and subject to change, requiring Kotlin 1.9.23 or newer.