
Eliezer Graber



Library offers a modifier for displaying 'placeholder' UI while content loads. Features include basic placeholders, default color options, and highlight animations like fade and shimmer for enhanced user experience.

Facilitates URI parsing, manipulation, and encoding/decoding based on AOSP's `Uri` and `UriCodec` implementations. Integrates easily with Gradle for seamless dependency management.

Efficiently extracts values from JSON objects using simplified JsonPath syntax. Supports functional programming aspects and avoids exceptions, enhancing performance by up to 7x compared to other implementations.

A Kotlin Multiplatform kotlinx.serialization library for working with JSON:API

Portal Compose Navigation

Better Android permission management with Compose UI

A set of extension properties on Int, Long, Double, and Duration, that makes it easier to work with Kotlin Duration

KMP MVI framework built using Compose for Compose

A Kotlin coroutines wrapper for IndexedDB.